Kelly Services《零工经济报告》(一)

大概三年前,“零工经济(gig economy)”一词开始在中国“走红”。因为缺乏对“零工经济”的专业、权威定义、研究成果和报告,国内对“零工经济”的理解比较肤浅,很多人把“零工经济”与”临时工“、“打临工”、“打零工”等词混淆。

为了更加深入地了解”零工经济“及应用的情况,我们找到最早从事劳务派遣服务的《财富》美国企业500强凯利服务公司(Kelly Services)的调研报告——《Gig Economy Report (零工经济报告)》,并翻译出来。


报告观点一:随着员工和工作本身要求更大的灵活性来推动创新和工作-生活平衡,整个工作概念变得越来越不固定。为了跟上这种快速变化的形势,企业可以采用“工作匹配(workfit)”的方式来管理员工(一种适应不断发展的零工经济的方法)。这种思维方式的转变始于一种对人才供应链的新理解,即人才供应链不仅仅只包含全职员工,还包括各种零工—— 临时员工、独立承包人、顾问和自由职业者—— 这些人构成了零工经济。



















前言 Foreword

简介 Introduction

零工经济的崛起 Rise of the Gig Economy

零工经济的动态 Dynamics of the Gig Economy

劳动力优化成熟度指标 Workforce Optimization Maturity Index

利用零工经济获得组织成功 Leveraging the Gig Economy for Organizational Success

化所有为商业成果 It All Comes Down to Business Results

关于作者 About the Author



Foreword: The Gig Economy is Thriving…


But what does that mean for organizations?


Simply put, it means there’s an opportunity for organizations to thrive as well. The global workforce is undergoing dramatic transformations influenced by globalization, technology, and skill shifts, as well as societal and demographic changes. As workers, and work itself, demand more flexibility to drive innovationand work-life design, the entire concept of work is becoming more fluid. Organizations can keep up with this quickly shifting landscape by embracing a “workfit” approach to workforce management—one that adapts to the rising gig economy.


For many, that’s easier said than done. More and more of our enterprise clients are asking for talent strategies and solutions that will give their organizations an edge. Initially, our conversations with them are educational more than anything. That’s because there’s a mindset shift that needs to take place.

这种思维方式的转变始于一种对人才供应链的新理解,即人才供应链不仅仅只包含全职员工,还包括各种零工 — 临时员工、独立承包人、顾问和自由职业者 –– 这些人构成了零工经济。 最先进的公司将人力资源、采购和运营相关负责人聚集在一起,以了解彼此的观点,并在整个人才供应链中使用全职和零工员工。他们围绕雇佣员工来制定人才战略和运营基础,以推进公司的整体商业战略。因此,他们不仅获得了竞争优势,同时也建立了拥有最优秀人才的立足点。

The shift begins with understanding that the talent supply chain is more than full-time workers. It includes free agents—temporary employees, independent contractors, consultants, freelancers—all of the talentthat makes up the gig economy. The most progressive companies bring HR, procurement, and operations stakeholders together to understand each other’s perspectives and use both full-time and gig workers across the entirety of the talent supply chain. They shape their talent strategy and operational foundationaround acquiring workers to advance their company’s business strategy. And, as a result, they secure competitive advantage while also establishing a foothold with the best available talent.


Getting there may seem like a daunting task, and it doesn’t happen overnight. It requires looking at the trends impacting the workplace and thinking strategically about your workforce planning. It’s a journey that’s worth the effort to create a competitive advantage.


To the end of supporting our clients, we conducted research to get at the heart of what a company needs to focus on—mindset, strategy, and operational processes—in order to unleash this largely untapped valuein the talent supply chain and get ahead of the trend to maximize impact. I am confident that this latest research will impart critical insights, enabling you and your organization to thrive in the new gig economy. I wish you an enjoyable read and look forward to your comments.

作者:Amy Anger

副总裁 & 全球负责人

人力资源专家 & 首席文化官



— 副总裁,某跨国技术公司

The knowledge transfer that occurs as a natural outcome of outside experts working alongside internal resources benefits the project, the employee, and the organization.

— VP, Multinational Technology Company



长期倡导零工经济的凯利服务公司 (Kelly Services) 十多年来一直专注于自由职业市场,是追踪研究灵活用工崛起的先驱。最近,我们深入研究了全球各地的人才管理者的思维模式——收集他们对零工经济现状的看法,他们如何在组织内利用自由职业者,以及他们如何看待零工人才在未来的雇佣变化。

Kelly Services, a long-time advocate for the gig economy, has focused on the free agent marketplace for more than a decade, taking an early lead on tracking the rise of free agents as a pivotal force in the talent mix. Most recently, we’ve tapped into the mindsets of talent managers across the globe—gathering their perspectives on where the gig economy stands today, how they’re leveraging free agents within their organizations, and how they see the usage of gig talent shifting in the future.


Through this research, we’ve found that as organizations mature in their usage of gig talent, the advantages become more apparent. Forward-thinking companies yield greater cost savings, stronger competitive advantage, better access to niche skill sets, and so much more. By optimizing their workforces and leveraging gig talent, these “Innovators,” as we call them, realize concrete benefits that drive better business results.

为了帮助您的组织实现类似的成果,我们开发了一个劳动力优化成熟度指数(Workforce Optimization Maturity Index),它评估了今天的公司如何利用零工劳动力来驱动积极的商业成果。在本文中,我们将揭示零工经济的方方面面,帮助您确定您在劳动力优化成熟度指数中的位置,并展示这个指数将如何帮助您更好地利用这种渐进的劳动力管理方法,以获得更大的成功。

To help your organization achieve similar outcomes, we have developed a proprietary Workforce Optimization Maturity Index, which evaluates how companies today are utilizing the gig workforce to drive positive business results. In this paper, we will uncover the ins and outs of the gig economy, help you determine where you fall on the Workforce Optimization Maturity Index, and demonstrate how the Workforce Optimization Maturity Index can help you better leverage this progressive workforce management approach to achieve greater organizational success.

*创新者 – 在优化劳动力方面先行的创新公司们,其人力成本节约提高到30%以上的可能性是原来的3倍,而获得显著竞争优势的可能性则是11倍。

*Innovators—companies further along their workforce optimization journey—are 3x more likely to drive labor cost savings in excess of 30%, and 11x more likely to achieve a significantly higher competitive advantage.


Rise of the Gig Economy



What is the gig economy,

and what are the driving forces, challenges, and opportunities associated with it?


As the world of work changes, the employer-employee relationship is shifting right along with it. Long-term commitments to employers are waning. The best talent is seeking greater control and ownership over how they integrate work with their personal lives and passions. With this shift in the way that the world wants to work, careers built on flexibility continue to gain ground.


As a result, the gig economy is thriving, and the majority of global talent managers are leveraging gig workers (also known as free agents) in their teams and departments to drive cost savings, innovation, and competitive advantage. By leveraging the skills and expertise of as-needed freelance talent, without the restraints and bureaucracy of traditional employment, organizations are more nimble, innovative, and competitive within a lightning-fast economy. While there are usage variances across geographies, industries, and skill sets, all signs point to the gig economy being a compelling force with which to be reckoned.


Defining the Gig Economy


The gig economy (also known as free agent economy) encompasses any type of work in which talent is paid for a discrete task, project, or period of time. Workers may fluidly move in and out of different categories, including direct employment. Largely powered by digital labor platforms, the gig economy has evolved along with the increasing need for on-demand hiring and innovative approaches to talent and skill shortages.


Gig Economy Growth Over Time


Close to one-third of the global workforce is forgoing traditional employment for the flexibility and freedom offered by free agency. Increasingly, workers see free agency as a way to make their work lives work for them, seeing it as an opportunity to organize their work around life, rather than their life around work.


Economic Impact of Free Agency


Micro-businesses alone (freelance business owners with fewer than five employees) constitute 17% of the U.S. GDP, generating $2.4 trillion in sales.

Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA) 的报告显示,人力云的爆炸式增长极大推动了零工经济,2016年在全球范围内创造了256亿至286亿美元的金额。

The explosive growth of the Human Cloud is bolstering the gig economy movement, generating between $25.6 billion and $28.6 billion globally in 2016, according to a reportby Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA).


The State of the Gig Economy


Free agent ranks have grown over the years from a small minority to a sizeable crowd. Today, gig workers make up 31% of the global workforce. In the U.S. alone, there are 50 million free agents, comprising 33% of the country’s workforce.


In fact, according to 62% of global talent managers who use free agents in their departments, free agents are the workers of the future. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of talent managers think the gig economy is becoming the new normal for how businesses organize work and almost three quarters (73%) believe a much more flexible and fluid workforce will emerge as a way to navigate an increasingly dynamic, global business climate. Seven out of 10 talent managers using free agents see the employer-worker relationship shifting, with talent asserting more leverage, as well as a desire to be treated the way they are treated as consumers in their personal lives.


Overall, talent managers who utilize gig workers say that (on average) 27% of their workforce is made up of gig workers.


21% say that gig workers make up more than 40% of their workforce.


Percentage of Talent Managers’ Department Workforce Comprised of Free Agent/Gig Talent


Usage Breakdown


When looking at usage of gig talent globally, light is shed on which regions, skill sets, and industries are leveraging the gig economy as part of their workforce strategies. The U.S., where employment law is less regulated, falls behind in the usage of gig talent, with significantly fewer talent managers using free agents than other regions. When it comes to skill sets, talent managers are primarily hiring free agents with highly professional/technical skills. An industry breakdown reveals that the oil & gas sector is a leader in the usage of gig talent, whereas the automotive industry lags behind.


Globally, 65% of talent managers hire/use gig workers.


Percent of Global Talent Managers by Region Who Hire/Use Gig Workers


Usage Trends


When asked to report the change in volume of free agents in their department over time, talent managers who utilize gig workers reported:


Nine out of ten talent managers expect their usage of gig workers to stay the same or increase (somewhat or significantly) in the coming years.


Percent of Global Talent Managers Who Hire/Use Gig Workers by Skill Set


Percent of Global Talent Managers Who Hire/Use Gig Workers by Industry


Profile of a Gig Worker


The vast majority of gig workers are highly skilled and educated. They value developing their careers, creative expression, and are highly committed to their work and their earning power. In fact, more than eight out of 10 free agents in the U.S. play a key role in their households’ financial well-being.


Additionally, the vast majority of free agents work and live this way by choice. Demographic shifts, rapid technological advancement, and “the rise of the employee” in an increasingly “yelpified” workplace are driving a reimagined relationship between work and the rest of life. Three-quarters (75%) of global free agents choose free agency for positive reasons, with personal empowerment and career opportunities topping the list.



The process by which a business is reviewed by an online community. May also refer to the phenomenon of utilizing online reviews as a way of becoming more aware of a business.


Globally, 65% of talent managers use gig workers, and almost three quarters (73%) believe a much more flexible and fluid workforce will emerge as a way to navigate an increasingly dynamic, global business climate.



2020-3-10 19:29:47



2020-4-10 19:25:45

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